The Action Plan defines the strategy for the coaching engagement. It consists of (1) one or more goals, (2) associated behaviors that will be measured through pulse feedback and (3) additional details such as specific action items and support needed.

The Action Plan is located on your Participant's page. Click on the Goals link under the Participant's name.

To create a goal, click on the “Add New +” in the upper right corner.

Developing the Action Plan

Either the Coach or the Participant can create and edit the action plan.

If you hover over the information icon, detailed guidance is displayed.


The Goal Statement should be created to be SMART:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Actionable
  • Realistic
  • Time-oriented

The Goal cannot be changed once the Pulse Feedback has begun.

The Behavior Statement
The text populated in the behavior statement will display on the Pulse Feedback survey.  It should be a behavior that is:
  • Observable by others. 
  • Important enough to make a critical difference in your success. 
  • Action oriented. 

The Behavior cannot be changed once the Pulse Feedback has begun.

Using the Details Text Box

The Details text box should be used as working space to go into depth on each goal. It could capture specific Action Items or call out Support that is Needed. It can support files, image, or screenshots. This information can be updated throughout the engagement to ensure there is clarity and accountability.

Assigning Supporters to Each Goal

Once the Supporters have been added to the platform, they are assigned to goals. (See Step 5 to Add Supporters to the Platform)

By default, all of the Supporters are assigned to each of the goals. To select which Supporter is assigned to each goal, return to each goal to edit. Check the box next to the names of the Supporters that are directly impacted by the specific behavior of the goal.


Multiple Iterations to Develop the Final Plan

The Action Plan will likely be revised and refined multiple times. Once it is finalized, the Pulse Feedback process can begin.